Monday, August 6, 2012

The learning process!

Hello Readers!

Well everyone goes through a learning period when figuring out what can and can't be done, and how you should and should not go about things. Here are a couple of my latest "woops" and "oh..." moments as a beginner at woodworking.

1. The wooden vice. I thought this would be a great idea and it seemed to work well in pre-applied testing. Unfortunately the threads are too few, and the wood I used for the fastening was too weak and broke when too tight. I am not saying that the wooden vice is impossible, but it would take much more time to get to work right for the application (crib mobile). I am going to take a safer and simpler approach for now.

2. The entertainment center. This is a simple case of working a bit too fast, with wild ideas running freely through my head. The walls did not come out exactly the way I wanted them too so this project is going to need some more work now as a result. I am not saying it won't get done, only that I want to now take extra time to work this build into an exceptional piece.

Something that worked well!

The bar and ornaments to the mobile came out great! I hand sanded the wood down this past week and this  should be a finished product by mid week... Even without the wooden vice.

So my week was not a total loss, especially since I have been volunteering all week at a children's camp. So stay up to date with Pallet Craft as I release more blogs and updates!

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